Automotive Training

If you are interested in building a career in the diesel, auto and auto body industry, then all you need is to get enrolled in an automotive training school. These kinds of schools help you to learn the basic rules of maintenance and also auto repair procedures. The programs offered by such schools include a combination of classroom instruction and practical experience and also provide instruction on older model as well as on the newer model vehicles. Since, complex computer operated cars and electronic systems are very popular these days, the automotive training schools are also offering instruction on using various electronic diagnostic equipments and providing computer-based study materials. Though most of these schools offer one year certificate programs, two year degree programs are also in high demand.

There are several universities and schools that offer online as well as regular automotive training programs.

Advanced Technology Institute: The Advanced Technology Institute is a private non-profit and interdisciplinary research center. They are completely dedicated in progressing the photonic device technologies and the next-generation electronic. The institute has NATEF and ASE certified career programs. The several automotive training provided by this institute includes:

* Automotive Technology: It is wide ranging program that includes suspension and tires to computers and diagnostic and also ASE/ Ford-Plus Training. * Diesel/Heavy Vehicle: This program provides knowledge on marine diesels/ ships and boats and also about farm tractors and equipment. This course is very essential for professionals dealing with road construction, bulldozers and graders. * Commercial Driving: It provides all the information essential for tractor or trailer truck driving. It also offers tuition reimbursement and has financing options and opportunities.

Arizona Automotive Institute: This educational institute offers several automotive programs in order to provide the student ample career options. It is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology and is a member of the Arizona Private School Association. The various courses offered by this institute include:

* Diploma in Automotive Technology: The course content of this program are fuel and ignition systems, information on steering, brakes, and suspension systems, and practical experience on conventional and computerized electrical systems. * Associate Degree in Diesel Technology: This course provides information on heavy diesel two and four stroke engines, computerized diagnostic systems, heavy truck chassis systems, diesel hydraulic systems, and also on fuel and ignition systems etc.

Some helpful tips: * Make a thorough research about several automotive training schools before making your final decision. You can get detailed information about such schools in the online education portals. * Choose an automotive school that updates their curriculum regularly in order to keep up with the rapid changes in technology.

For more information about automotive training schools you can visit

Automotive Training Schools by Andrew Alen